Ramón Zabala Basque Cider
Ramon Zabala Siberia, Gipuzkoa, Aduna
200+ years of natural cider. Nothing added, nothing taken.
R. Zabala Sidreria does not fit the mold of modern Basque cider. To start, they are almost unanimously recognized as the best cider house in all of Basque Country (take our word...we've been to a lot). But what is more interesting is that all of their unique apples that translate their ciders are, surprisingly, theirs. Surprising because most of the mass-produced, famous cider houses in the area purchase whatever apples, good-bad-or-otherwise, they can get their hands on. This gives Zabala the unique ability to have greater control over the end product. This coupled with the experience of 200+ years under their belt, the ciders are terroir driven...nothing added, nothing taken. Shake well.