Frank Cornelissen, Patagonia Project ‘Pistemutta’ Rosato 2020
Region: Etna, Northern valley
Vineyards: Contrada Feudo di Mezzo
Varietals: 100% Nerello Mascalese
Vinification: Destemming and light crushing of the grapes
Fermentation: starting with a “pied-de-cuve” keeping the must in skin contact for one night
Aging: In neutral epoxy tanks from 2500 liters to 8000 liters
Fining: No
Filtering: Before bottling with PE cartridges of 5 micron
Sulphur: values can vary from 15 to 60 mg/l., added or not, depending on the quality of grapes and stability of the wine.
Annual production: approx. 7.000 bottles
First vintage: 2020
Denomination: IGP Terre Siciliane Rosato
Bottle type: Transparent burgundy bottle
Available sizes: 750ML
Recommended stemware: Zalto Universal