Michel Guignier 'La Bonne Pioche' 2020

Michel Guignier 'La Bonne Pioche' 2020

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The vines for La Bonne Pioche are from a parcel within Michel’s farm, quite close to his house. When it was appellated it was classified as Beaujolais Villages, an appellation that covers vines grown in 38 communes, including Vauxrenard, where Michel’s farm is located.

The soil on this area is mainly friable granite and Michel also has degraded sandstone (Grès).

This wine had 10 days of semi-carbonic maceration in stainless steel then spent 10 months in a foudre before bottling in July 2021. As with all the wines, its acidity ensures freshness and the viticulture and vinification provide the life.

About the producer:

Surrounded by the the forests around the village of Vauxrenard, the vineyards of Michel Guignier reflect his passion for biodiversity & soil quality. Unique in Beaujolais, it is this forest and the careful management of the land that promotes the biodiversity that is so essential for the health of the grapes at Domaine Michel Guignier.
The elevation here ensures slower growth as it is 500 metres above sea level.

The Charolais cows as well as Michel's horse, Bistere, graze in the pastures and vineyards. They eat the grasses that grow under the vines and between the rows, providing both a natural lawnmower
as well as rich, natural fertilizer.

Of course, Michel practices organic and biodynamic viticulture (he is certified by Agriculture Biologique and Demeter) and makes his wines without any additions. No industrial yeast, no added enzymes, no acidification, no filtering, no fining, no sugar, no new oak and no added sulphites.

Michel Guignier is a master in the vineyard producing perfect, biodynamic fruit then having the courage in the winemaking to allow the fruit to ferment and mature with little intervention and absolutely no additions including no sulphur.